Something was telling me to build up the paper of the lanterns a bit more before going to the darks yet I didn't listen to myself and I went ahead with some blue and mauve and it wasn't going as I wanted and in a blink of an eye decided to add some red there and why not perylene maroon since it looks like blood and I like it tons and.... I stepped right into the ugly stage sooner than I thought, as I was adding those colors I couldn't help thinking "didn't I decide to have pure black in this one? what the hell am I doing?" ok, well there's plenty of work to do yet so this can disappear under layers and layers of color :(

Links to the whole of the WIP: step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4, step 5, step 6, step 7, step 8, step 9, step 10, step 11, step 12, step 13, step 14
Don't panic, Teresa! This is looking good. the color on the lanterns is so pale you can work that a lot more and get what you want. I like the warms underneath that will make this more interesting. Don't forget your granulating colors if you want more texture. Glad you had some vacation time and used it to paint paint paint!!
I'm breeeeathing, can you hear me? lol, after the evening session I'm feeling much more confident Rhon and already having lots of fun! :D
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