February 14, 2010

Going romanesque in this new watercolour painting

This one is a detail of the romanesque main facade of the Basilica de Santa María la Mayor in Pontevedra, I took many photos of this doorfront and surroundings when I was there last september with the idea of a series so it was due time to make the first approach. I chose this one first because I loved the idea of having a figure sculpted with glasses on, and I liked the fact that a skull was included too.

Each time I think of Galicia the 2 words that come to mind are "green" and "stone" that's what I want to be the focus in these series, today I'll be working in some texture tests, so instead of a color test I'll see what kind of pigments will work better for texture purposes.

I don't usually share the process previous to painting, right? it's different for each new painting I do. Here are some rough sketches and value studies for this one, I always said my sketches were rough, that explain my "rough sketches" to be uber rough.

Links to the whole WIP: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5


Ann Buckner said...

Teresa, I missed these value studies until you mentioned them. I like what you are doing and am wondering which study you favor or if you there is a bit of each one that you like.

RH Carpenter said...

These value studies are great! I like Number 2 and Number 4 the best, I think.

Teresa Palomar Lois said...

I'll be mixing a couple of them Ann, mainly number 4 with some ideas from number 2, Rhonda brilliant minds think alike! :D

Unknown said...

OOOOOH Boy!! despues de ver esto te perdono el que no nos vieramos... ;-)

Teresa Palomar Lois said...

Si es que te ablando el corazoncito *smoooch!*
Nos vemos otro día y ya desfasaremos bastante como para compensar mi ausencia de la otra vez :)

JRonson said...

Very expressive, it's so cool when you see the process of work, :) nice blog

Teresa Palomar Lois said...

Thanks J, I'm glad you like it and hope you feel at home around here.

Unknown said...

I need to do more rough sketched too!! :( bad me! Great job<3
Can't wait to see it finished!!


Teresa Palomar Lois said...

Thanks Tasha, you are a sketch-procrastrinator too?
I can't wait to finish this one! but it is doing what it pleases, not even half done O_o