I don't feel like messing with the background anymore until I work a bit on the main subject, after that there'll be time to readjust as much as needed.

Maybe I'll work a bit more on it this afternoon, or maybe not :)
Links to the whole WIP:
step 1,
step 2,
step 3,
step 4,
step 5,
step 6
It is coming along beautifully. I like how you are working in stages, evaluating the painting as you go along.
Very nicely done, Teresa. It has a very delicate look so far that I like a lot.
Thanks girls, Ann I already find some problems in the background but hey, that's the fun part, right?
Rhonda, you won't believe how hard it's being to keep it light and delicate, I'm going for children's illustration but all my inner self push me to go for contrast and drama again, duh'.
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