Today was going to be a painting day but it's turned into a completely different beast, instead of painting I've spent most of the day with a visit, baby included, man it's tiring but so much fun having a 1 year old baby around! Then I've been quite some time on the phone talking to a friend I met while working at admission of oncology at the hospital a couple of years ago, she's been through really hard times lately and today she's called to tell me about another coworker of that place who has had a nodule in her breast removed yet she's being so cheerful and positive, we've started talking about that other coworker, then about her and we've ending laughing so hard on the phone, it's good to hear her laugh again; today life is good, I've realized I'm so lucky for having met such outstanding women, I hope someday I'll be able to be such a woman too.
Now I look at the latest doodle in my sketchbook and feel a bit guilty of having released my anger in it... well, no, I'm not, taxes times are hard and that's my way of dealing with it :P

plus these other 2 are more in the reminiscing and everyday stuff

Love your watercolor sketches in your journal, Teresa! I don't speak Spanish enough to read any of these but get the idea, I think, of both of them :) And the taxman one is perfect!
Lol, I do wrote it all in spanish, didn't I? XD
I really thought I would have to pay a lot of taxes this year, you can bet I was furious Rhonda
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