Yesterday I spent the day with my friends, breakfast, stroll by the city, shopping, lunch at the japanese and then to the theater to watch the latest Harry Potter, good day, and I bought books!

It's been quite some time since I stepped in a shop here, took a look at an illustration book that I didn't know existed and fell in love, it happened yesterday, I haven't read Fables, not even one number, but
James Jane does such a terrific work for each issue! plus there's not only the finished pic of each cover, there's the concept, pencil and commentary by the author, not any of his other works not-Fables related though, but it's ok like this, it's going into my inspirational shelf. Man it feels good to unexpectedly find one of these gems in a local shop.

And since I had to wait in the line to pay I though I could add a couple more books that I've been wanting to read for quite some time, they are Amélie Nothomb's
Ni de Eva ni de Adán (Ni d’Ève, ni d’Adam) and Paolo Giordano's
La soledad de los números primos (La solitudine dei numeri primi), the first one because I loved
Estupor y temblores (Stupeur et tremblements) wholeheartedly, Nothombs has a way with words and is fresh and different; the second because I listened to a review in the radio a couple of months ago and got me so curious about it, we'll see if I like mr. Giordano's way of writing.
Oh! I painted today after 3 weeks without properly handling a brush, YAY for me! Now onto finish Ni de Eva ni de Adán.
James Jean,
I really like some of his work like the Wave 2 link below.
Always fun when you stumble upon work that sparks the flame a bit brighter.
I love art books/magazines that reveal the workings/thoughts of artist and give a glimpse behind the scenes.
Looks like some good choices to get your motivation going and just to enjoy a good read! Glad you had a good day out, Teresa, you deserve it :)
Fun indeed Paul, it made my day. I should edit the post and add the url of Mr. Jean webpage...
It's good indeed to have some thing to do since I haven't been able to paint Rhonda, I'm late with the weekly sketch! but this weekend my vacations begin and I'm planning to do a lot of artsy things, expect your inbox overloaded!
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